samedi 27 septembre 2014

The Instructions on the Six Lamps


The Instructions on the Six Lamps, translated from the tibetan by Jean-Luc Achard, Editions Khyung-Lung, September 2014, 159 pages.

Text from the back cover :

The teachings of the Six Lamps belong to the inner section of the Zhangzhung Nyengyü and describe the instructions of Trekchö and Thögel in a very direct mode. In the text itself, Tapihritsa explains the abiding mode of the Base of the natural state, as well as the visionary practice of the Path. It is through such a practice that one can contemplate the marvels of one’s Clear-Light, before achieving the ultimate Fruit of Buddhahood. In this respect, the text contains a complete teaching of Dzogchen, from beginning to end.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 9

Part I — Introduction 11
1. The historical setting 12
2. The teachings of the Great Perfection 15
2-1. The Zhangzhung Nyengyü 15
2-2. The nature of the Base, Awareness and Mind 20
2-3. Instructions on visionary practice 22
2-4. The arising of intermediate states 27
2-5. Instructions on the nature of the Fruit 29
2-6. The way to perform the practice 33
3. The text of the Six Lamps 37

Part II — Translation of the Instructions on the Six Lamps 39Preface 39
I. The Lamp of the Abiding Base 43
1. The natural state of the Base 43
1-1. The Universal Base 43
1-2. Awareness 44
1-3. The intellect 46
1-4. The summary 47
2. The separation between Saṃsāra and Nirvāṇa 47

II. The Lamp of the Flesh-Heart 57

III. The Lamp of the White and Smooth Channel 61

IV. The Water Lamp of the Far-Reaching Lasso 67

V. The Lamp of the Direct Introductions to the Pure Realms 69
1. The direct introduction to the Three bodies 69
2. Gaining decisive certainty 71

VI. The Lamp of the Moment of the Bardo 79
Colophon 85

Part III — Complementary instructions 911. Parallels between The Six Lamps and other works of the Zhangzhung Nyengyü 91
1-1. Corresponding teachings with the first Lamp 91
1-2. Corresponding teachings with the second Lamp 98
1-3. Corresponding teachings with the third Lamp 101
1-4. Corresponding teachings with the fourth Lamp 104
1-5. Corresponding teachings with the fifth Lamp 108
1-6. Corresponding teachings with the sixth Lamp 113

2. The Complementary Works to the Six lamps 118
2-1. The root-text itself 118
2-2. The commentaries 121
2-3. The actual complementary works 123
2-4. Further doxographical works 129
2-5. The practice manual 133

Glossary 139

Bibliography 155

All details for ordering a copy are to be found here :

jeudi 25 septembre 2014

The Instructions on the Primordial A

The Instructions on the Primordial A, by Jean-Luc Achard, Vajra Publications, 2012. ISBN : 9-789937-506755. 87 pages.

This volume is mostly based on the French translations and abridgements that have been prepared for publication by the Khyung-Lung Editions. The present work is the second edition of the original book published by the Naldjor Institute. It has been augmented with a section of biographies containing, in abridged form, the life-stories of four of the most important lineage holders of Atri (A khrid): 1. Dampa Ritröpa Chenpo, the founder of the lineage; 2. Yorpo Mepel, the 5th lineage holder, who was probably the first to use the expressionAtri to characterize these teachings; 3. KündroÅNl Drakpa, the 26th lineage holder, who elaborated a fascinating set of complementary instructions associated with the original instructions of Atri; and 4. Shardza Rinpoche, one of the most important recent masters of Bön who reached Rainbow Body in 1934.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements — 8

Introduction — 9

Biographical sketches of Four Lineages Holders of the Atri Instructions
1. Dampa Ritröpa Chenpo — 13
2. Drogön Yorpo Mepel — 17
3. Kündrol Drakpa — 18
4. Shardza Tashi Gyeltsen — 20


Abridged Instructions for the Practice of the Fifteen Sessions of Atri

1. The Preliminaries
Session no. 1 — The Entrance into the Practice of the Path: the Reflexion on impermanence — 25
Session no. 2 — Bodhicitta, Refuge, and Confession — 26
Session no. 3 — Mandala offering — 28
Session no. 4 — The Prayer to the Master and the transmission of Blessings — 30

2. The Main practice
Session no. 5 — The practice with characteristics and the control of mind— 31
Session no. 6 — The Practice without characteristics — 33
Session no. 7 — Union of Calm Abiding and Superior Insight — 34
Session no. 8 — The direct introduction to the principle of the Natural State — 35
Session no. 9 — Methods to get rid of mental stains — 38
Session no. 10 — The Arising of Immaculate Wisdom during the practice of the Path — 40

3. Instructions on the Obtainment of the Ultimate Fruit
Session no. 11 — Crushing karmic traces during the night — 42
Session no. 12 — Dynamic training on manifestations during 
the day — 44

Session no. 13 — Integrating concepts into the Path, during 
morning and evening sessions — 46

Session no. 14 — The continuous introduction to Awareness — 47
Session no. 15 — Instructions on Transparent Wisdom — 50


The Practice of Guru-yoga according to the A khrid 
Instructions of Shardza Rinpoche

Introduction — 51

The Profound Path of Guru-yoga — 53
1. The supplication to the Lama — 53

2. The Offering in seven branches — 55
2-1. The Prostrations — 56
2-1-1. Prostrations of the body — 56
2-1-2. Prostrations of speech — 56
2-1-3. Prostrations of the mind — 56

2-2. The Confession of sins — 57
2-3. The Offerings — 57
2-4. The Rejoicing — 58
2-5. The Supplication asking that the Lama not to depart 
for Nirvana — 59

2-6. The Request to turn the Wheel of Bön — 59
2-7. Dedication — 60

3. The Request for Blessings — 61
3-1. The Empowerment of the Body — 63
3-2. The Empowerment of Speech — 63
3-3. The Empowerment of the Mind — 63
3-4. The Special Empowerment of Wisdom — 64

The practice of Guru-yoga during the four activities — 65
Guru-yoga as universal vision — 65
The importance of Guru-yoga — 66

Conclusion — 67

Yorpo Mepel’s Instructions on 
the practice without Characteristics

Translation of the root text — 70

Commentary — 72
1. The author’s homage — 72

2. Instructions without characteristics — 72
2-1. Preliminaries — 72
2-2. The main practice — 73
2-2-1. The key point of the body — 73
2-2-2. The key point of the gaze — 75
2-2-3. The key point of the vow — 76

3. Conclusion — 77
4. Colophon — 79


Phowa Teachings of Dru Gyelwa Yungdrung

1. Gradual Phowa — 80
1-1. The key point of the body and the channels — 80
1-2. The key point of the visualization — 80
1-3. The actual way to perform the practice — 81

2. Instantaneous Phowa — 82
3. Practicing Phowa for others — 82
4. Signs of success — 85


Bibliography — 87

You can order the book by writing directly to the author's email address or check the following link for details :

The Practice of Guru-Yoga according to the Zhangzhung Nyengyü

The Practice of Guru-Yoga according to the Zhangzhung Nyengyü, by Jean-Luc Achard, Khyung-mkhar, July 2012. Pdf edition. 10 pages.

4e de couverture :

The practice of Guru-Yoga is one of the essential meditations performed on the spiritual Path of Bön, indifferently in Sūtras, Tantras and in Dzogchen teachings. In the context of the practice of the Zhangzhung Nyengyü, Guru-Yoga is performed with the central figure known as Shenlha Ökar (Shen-God White Light), the root of all Yidams and Lord of Compassion. Through the connection to his Body, Speech and Mind, blessings are bestowed to the practitionner who can connect to the entire lineage of masters and progress along the Path.

Contents :
1. Verses to recite
2. The literal meaning of the verses
3. Basic explanation of the practice
4. Detailed explanation of the practice according to Yongdzin Rinpoche's oral teachings
5. The Dedication Prayer

To order, write directly to the author or connect to the Dzogchen Forum here:

mercredi 24 septembre 2014

The Basic Structure of the Zhangzhung Nyengyü

The Basic Structure of the Zhangzhung Nyengyü according to the Menri edition, by Jean-Luc Achard. Khyung-mkhar 2012. Pdf edition. 14 pages.

This short booklet gives the table of contents (in English) of the ZZNG cycle of Dzogchen instructions according to the edition used in Menri in Tibet.

Back cover :
The corpus of the Zhangzhung Nyengyü is certainly the most important cycle of Dzogchen instructions in the Bönpo tradition. It is said to have been put into written form by Tapihritsa and Gyerpung Nangzher Löpo in the course of the 8th century CE, during the reign of King Trisong Detsen (755-797). The basic contents of this collection are presented here according to the Menri xylographic edition which was prepared in Tibet by Yongdzin Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche (1912-1978) some years before exile. This edition has long been the only one easily available in the West. It was brought in India by Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche at the risk of his own life during his escape from Tibet. 

If you want to order this booklet, please write directly to the author or go to the forum of the Khyung-mkhar Association here : 

The Invocation to Tapihritsa

The Invocation to Tapihritsa, translated by Jean-Luc Achard. Khyung-mkhar 2012. Pdf edition. 10 pages.

The Invocation to Tapihritsa is a prayer that is included in the recitation of the preliminaries (sngon ‘gro) of the Zhangzhung Nyengyü. According to the tradition, it was composed by his direct disciple, Gyerpung Nangzher Löpo, in the 8th century. It has since then been included in the daily prayers chanted by the practitioners of the Zhangzhung Nyengyü tradition and was included by Dru Gyelwa Yungdrung (1242–1290) in the collection of the Recitative Verses (Tshig bshad) of his Chaktri (Phyag khrid) collection of teachings.

If you want to order this booklet, please write directly to the author or go to the forum of the Khyung-mkhar Association here :

mardi 23 septembre 2014

Dzogchen Magyü — The History of the Mother Tantras of the Great Perfection

Dzogchen Magyü — The History of the Mother Tantras of the Great Perfection. By Jean-Luc Achard, Khyung-mkhar 2011, pdf edition, 46 pages.

This volume contains the history of a cycle of Dzogchen teachings revealed by a female tertön, the celebrated Künga Bum, who was one of the root-masters of the second Dungtso Repa, the revealer of an important Yangti Nakpo cycle of instructions.

The book itself includes the history of the original transmission to Künga Bum, the biographies of the first seven lineage holders, as well as a short essay on the doctrinal contents of the cycle.  In fine, there are two appendixes — the first giving the structure of the cycle, and the second one showing the tree of the transmission lines.

The table of contents of this volume is :

Introduction 7

I. Vajravārāhi, Yeshe Tsogyel and the origin of the lineage 9

II. Künga Bum, Dungtso Repa and the early masters
of the lineage 16
1. Künga Bum and the discovery of Mother Tantras 16
2. Dungtso Repa, the first lineage holder 23
3. Nyima Rangdröl 24
4. Nyida Özer 25
5. Sangye Özer 27
6. Sangye Tsöndrü 28
7. Rinchen Peljor 29

The later transmission of the cycle and its doctrinal
content 33

Appendix I — Table of Contents of the Rinchen Terdzö
edition 39

Appendix II — Lineage chart 41

Bibliography 43

If you want to order this booklet, please write directly to the author or go to the forum of the Khyung-mkhar Association here : 

The Secret Treasury of the Dakinis

The Secret Treasury of the Dakinis on Channels and Winds, volume I, Kündröl Drakpa's instructions on Yogic Practice in the New Bön tradition, by Jean-Luc Achard, Khyung-mkhar, 2011, pdf ed., 70 pages.

The yogic instructions and practices described in the Secret Treasury of the Dakinis on Channels and Winds (rTsa rlung mkha’ ‘gro gsang mdzod) belong to one of the major Terma collection revealed by Rigdzin Kündröl Drakpa (1700-?) in the middle of the 18th century. This cycle of teachings is one of the most important one in use in the New Bön tradition, down to the present day. Kündröl Drakpa played a crucial role in the revival of Bön teachings in Eastern Tibet, together with his amazing master Terchen Sangye Lingpa (Jangchub Dorje, 1705-1735). The nature of his lineage has deeply influenced the various Sūtric, Tantric and Dzogchen traditions of Bön, to the extent that in recent times the most excelled and revered masters of Bön have been connected to it in one way or another.

If you want to order this booklet, please write directly to the author or go to the forum of the Khyung-mkhar Association here :