dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Bönpo Newsletter no. 1 (April 2009)

Contents :

— Creation and Purpose of the International Bönpo Translation Committee, p. 2.

— Recent Works (partially) reviewed by the IBTC, p. 2-4.

— The Dechen Ritrö Newsletter, p. 4-5.

— Academic papers dealing with Bön delivered during the CNRS Conferences in Paris, p. 5-6.

— What of previous Bön Translation Committees ?, p. 6-7.

— A New Reason for the creation of this Newsletter, p. 7.

The Bönpo Newsletter is free. You can get a copy by writing directly to the author (JLA). The only restriction that we ask reader to respect is to avoid uploading the issues of the Newsletter anywhere on the internet (including in particular Scribd.com). If you feel you can keep this material on your computer for your personal use, then don't hesitate to ask for a free copy.

vendredi 10 octobre 2014

Bönpo Newsletter no. 27 (March 2014)

Bönpo Newsletter no. 27

The latest issue of the Newsletter of the International Bönpo translation Committee (# 27) has been issued today. It contains three parts :

— "A Short Biography of Drimé Künsel Rinpoche (1933-2013)", by Jean-Luc Achard, dealing with the life of an important Bönpo master who passed away shortly after Gyawob Rinpoche;

— "The Lineage of the Rigdzin Kusum Gongdü", by Jean-Luc Achard, describing the history of the Dzogchen tradition associated with Tertön Dechen Lingpa (1833-1893);

— "Questions from the readers", the return of the popular section of the Newsletter featuring the questions from our readers.

Write directly to the author for a copy.

Bonpo Newsletter no. 26 (December 2013)

Bonpo Newsletter no. 26

The Newsletter of the International Bönpo translation Committee # 26 has been issued this month. It is dedicated to the late Gyawob Rinpoche (1927-2013) who passed away on November 22, 2013. Rinpoche was one of the most important Bönpo masters of his generation and was himself at the center of the diffusion of the tradition of Nangzhig Gompa in Eastern Tibet. The present issue contains a short biography of him.

Write directly to the author for a copy.

Bönpo Newsletter no. 25 (November 2013)

Bönpo Newsletter no. 25

The Newsletter of the International Bönpo translation Committee no. 25 has been issued this month. It contains the two following short papers:

— "A General Advice to Western Practitioners regarding Correct Transmissions", pp. 2-4.

— "A Short Biography of Buddha Tönpa Shenrab Miwoché - Part I”, pp. 4-7.

Bönpo Newsletter no. 24 (August 2013)

Bönpo Newsletter no. 24

The Newsletter of the International Bönpo translation Committee no. 24 has been issued this month. It contains the three following short papers:

— “How to follow a spiritual master according to Shardza Rinpoche — Part III”, pp. 2-3.

— "The Two Aspects of the Universal Base”, pp. 4-5, and

— "How to impart advanced Dzogchen teachings”, pp. 5-7.

Introduction to the Yetri Thasel cycle of Dzogchen

Introduction to the Yetri Thasel cycle of Dzogchen, by Jean-Luc Achard, Mars 2013, éd. Khyung-mkhar, PDF, 9 pages.

4e de couverture :

The cycle of the Yetri Thasel (Ye khri mtha’ sel) is one of the numerous Dzogchen cycles belonging to the Bönpo tradition. Its redaction is ascribed to Drenpa Namkha (a famous 8th century figure) and has a lot of common traits with the later Nyingma tradition, as the latter evolved after the fall of the Yarlung dynasty. The present booklet provides a general introduction to the history, doctrinal contents and lineage of the Yetri, as well as contextual data regarding its inclusion in the traditional Dzogchen training program held in Bönpo colleges of meditation (sgom grwa).

Publication hors-commerce, à commander en écrivant par courrier électronique à l'auteur. Ou bien rendez-vous sur le forum de l'Association Khyung-mkhar à l'adresse suivante:

The Dechen Ritrö Newsletter no. 3

The Dechen Ritrö Newsletter no. 3, April 2012. 

Khyung-mkhar. PDf ed. 8 pages.

Contents :

— "Issues in the Life of Tönpa Shenrab", by Jean-Luc Achard
   1. The three conditions necessary for the coming of a Buddha
   2. The transmission of the teachings

— "The Emanation Base of Tönpa Shenrab", by Jean-Luc Achard

For details on how to order a copy, write directly to the author, or to the publisher by connecting here:

jeudi 9 octobre 2014

The Dechen Ritrö Newsletter no. 2

The Dechen Ritrö Newsletter no. 02, March 2012, Khyung-mkhar. PDF ed., 8 pages.

Contents :

— What is Bön ? Part II — by Jean-Luc Achard

  1. The actual meaning of Bön
    1-1. Bön = knowable
    1-2. Bön = Path
    1-3. Bön = phenomena
    1-4. Bön = Nirvana
    1-5. Bön = objects of the intellect 
    1-6. Bön = authentic principle
    1-7. Bön = teachings scriptures, etc.

  2. Further definitions of Bön

— A Short Biography of Nyamme Sherab Gyeltsen, by Jean-Luc Achard

— A Note on Nyamme Sherab Gyeltsen and Shardza Rinpoche, by Jean-Luc Achard

For details on how to order a copy, write directly to the author, or to the publisher by connecting here:

The Dechen Ritrö Newsletter no. 1

The Dechen Ritrö Newsletter no. 01, February 2012, Khyung-mkhar. PDF ed., 8 pages.

Contents :

What is Bön ? Par I — by Jean-Luc Achard

  1. Buddhist views about Bön
  2. Western scientific views of Bön
  3. Modern Bön views on Bön

For details on how to order a copy, write directly to the author, or to the publisher by connecting here:

Yangtse Longchen Studies, no. 1

Yangtse Longchen Studies, no. 1, December 2008, by Jean-Luc Achard, Khyung-mkhar, 2008. PDF edition (8 pages).

This small booklet gives the general table of contents of the collection of Dzogchen works revealed in 1180 in Lhodrak by Zhötön Ngödrup.


The Contents of the Yangtse Longchen Collection

1. The root-texts
2. The commentaries
3. Complementary works

For details on how to order a copy, write directly to the author, or to the publisher by connecting here:

Bönpo Newsletter no. 23 (August 2012)

Bönpo Newsletterno. 23, August 2012, PDF ed. 8 pages.

Contents :

I. How to follow a spiritual master according to Shardza Rinpoche — Part II (by Jean-Luc Achard)
— Examining the characteristics of the qualified master
— The qualities of his infinite love
— The qualities of his infinite joy
— The qualities of his infinite equanimity
— The qualities of his infinite Compassion
— Characteristics of his transmissions
— The Eight Defects
— Qualities of the Tantric Master

II. The Wrong Motivation in Teaching according to Shardza Rinpoche (by Jean-Luc Achard)

— Ordinary motivation
— Inferior motivation 
— Intermediate motivation 
— Neutral motivation 

For details on how to obtain a copy, write directly to the author, or to the publisher by connecting here :