vendredi 10 octobre 2014

Bönpo Newsletter no. 27 (March 2014)

Bönpo Newsletter no. 27

The latest issue of the Newsletter of the International Bönpo translation Committee (# 27) has been issued today. It contains three parts :

— "A Short Biography of Drimé Künsel Rinpoche (1933-2013)", by Jean-Luc Achard, dealing with the life of an important Bönpo master who passed away shortly after Gyawob Rinpoche;

— "The Lineage of the Rigdzin Kusum Gongdü", by Jean-Luc Achard, describing the history of the Dzogchen tradition associated with Tertön Dechen Lingpa (1833-1893);

— "Questions from the readers", the return of the popular section of the Newsletter featuring the questions from our readers.

Write directly to the author for a copy.

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